Le Pré de Chez Vous

Un espace culturel moderne pour célébrer la musique, l'art et la communauté en France.

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Bienvenue au Pré de Chez Vous

Bienvenue sur Le Pré de Chez Vous, un espace dédié à la culture, à la créativité et au partage. Notre association propose des activités variées : musique, théâtre, art, sorties culturelles, ateliers créatifs, danse et bien-être. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir, apprendre et échanger dans une ambiance conviviale. Ensemble, faisons vivre la culture et tissons des liens forts au sein de notre communauté

A large French flag is draped elegantly under an ornate stone archway. The flag's tricolor of blue, white, and red contrasts with the detailed carvings and inscriptions on the stone. The architectural elements feature intricate patterns and classical motifs.
A large French flag is draped elegantly under an ornate stone archway. The flag's tricolor of blue, white, and red contrasts with the detailed carvings and inscriptions on the stone. The architectural elements feature intricate patterns and classical motifs.



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Nos Services

Découvrez nos activités culturelles et artistiques pour enrichir votre expérience au sein de l'association.

A modern glass pyramid structure juxtaposed with a classical stone building. A French flag is prominently displayed, fluttering above an ornate architectural element.
A modern glass pyramid structure juxtaposed with a classical stone building. A French flag is prominently displayed, fluttering above an ornate architectural element.
Sorties & Événements

Excursions culturelles, expositions, projections et conférences.

Ateliers Créatifs

Peinture, écriture, artisanat et projets collaboratifs.

Activités Culturelles

Ateliers de musique, théâtre, art contemporain et littérature.

Stages de danse, yoga et activités de détente.

Bien-être & Loisirs

Bénévolat, rencontres et initiatives solidaires.

Engagement Communautaire


A modern glass office building with the logo 'france.tv' prominently displayed at the top. A billboard featuring a person and the text 'BARDOT' is visible. In front of the building, there is a large crowd of people on a bridge or walkway, along with several small trees.
A modern glass office building with the logo 'france.tv' prominently displayed at the top. A billboard featuring a person and the text 'BARDOT' is visible. In front of the building, there is a large crowd of people on a bridge or walkway, along with several small trees.
A group of people celebrating in the middle of a street, some holding French flags. Cars and scooters are nearby, and a historic building stands in the background, lined with large trees on each side of the street.
A group of people celebrating in the middle of a street, some holding French flags. Cars and scooters are nearby, and a historic building stands in the background, lined with large trees on each side of the street.
A building facade features two windows with reflective glass. Between the windows, there is a large propeller mounted on the wall. Below the propeller, the words 'AERO-CLUB DE FRANCE' are prominently displayed in metallic letters.
A building facade features two windows with reflective glass. Between the windows, there is a large propeller mounted on the wall. Below the propeller, the words 'AERO-CLUB DE FRANCE' are prominently displayed in metallic letters.
A beautifully decorated area featuring a stone building with French architectural style, illuminated with soft lighting. The words 'Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité' are visible at the top. The foreground features decorated trees with glowing white lights and ornaments, and a glowing arch structure, suggesting a festive atmosphere.
A beautifully decorated area featuring a stone building with French architectural style, illuminated with soft lighting. The words 'Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité' are visible at the top. The foreground features decorated trees with glowing white lights and ornaments, and a glowing arch structure, suggesting a festive atmosphere.
A French flag is prominently displayed on a flagpole against a backdrop of a clear sky transitioning from light blue to a warm hue at sunset. Below the flag, urban buildings with classic European architecture are visible, accompanied by lush green trees. The silhouette of a street sign with inscriptions is also present.
A French flag is prominently displayed on a flagpole against a backdrop of a clear sky transitioning from light blue to a warm hue at sunset. Below the flag, urban buildings with classic European architecture are visible, accompanied by lush green trees. The silhouette of a street sign with inscriptions is also present.
A large crowd of people gathered outdoors, many holding French flags and wearing patriotic attire. A person with a tricolor wig stands out in the foreground. In the background, a large screen displays an image of a packed stadium or crowd scene, indicating a public event or celebration. Trees and a structure resembling a bridge or stage rigging are visible.
A large crowd of people gathered outdoors, many holding French flags and wearing patriotic attire. A person with a tricolor wig stands out in the foreground. In the background, a large screen displays an image of a packed stadium or crowd scene, indicating a public event or celebration. Trees and a structure resembling a bridge or stage rigging are visible.

Découvrez nos événements culturels et artistiques captivants ici.


Nous serions ravis de vous entendre. Pour toute question ou suggestion, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter via le formulaire ci-dessous.


+33 7 33 45 66 43



Faites un Don et Soutenez Nos Actions !

Votre contribution aide Le Pré de Chez Vous à organiser des activités culturelles, artistiques et solidaires. Chaque don permet de financer des ateliers, des événements et des projets pour la communauté.

Our office

1 Rue Dessirier, 57400 Sarrebourg, France

Lundi - Vendredi
09:00 - 14:00

+33 7 33 45 66 43